Noise Pollution


The Outcome

The local environmental health authority reached an agreement with our Client which avoided the need for litigation and our Client was allowed to continue with his profitable enterprise on the site.

Example Case Study

The Client

An industrial company.

The Case

The local environmental health authority had received complaints from local residents concerning alleged noise nuisance caused by our Client company.  Our Client operated industrial premises within a residential area which included a manufacturing process which produced intermittent loud impulse noises and vibrations.  Evidence was obtained by Environmental Health Officers by the deployment of a number of instruments in residential properties throughout the district.  The local planning authority prepared an abatement notice with a view to proceeding through the Courts.  However the team were able to enter into negotiations with the local planning authority and, after a series of meetings and consideration of evidence submitted by experts on both sides we were eventually able to negotiate a compromise package which avoided the need for litigation and led to a reduction of noise and vibration by the use of a number of sound attenuation measures which were cost-effective but still allowed our Client to continue his operations.