Contaminated Land

Contaminated Land

The Client

A large house building Company

The Case

The team received instructions to secure a planning permission for the development of a site which constituted a landfill site identified by the local authority.  Complex negotiations took place with the local planning authority and with the Environment Agency which eventually led to the lodging of a series of planning applications and the pursuit of a planning appeal coupled with a series of representations under the review of the Local Plan.  Eventually, the negotiations proved successful and we were able to avoid the Public Local Inquiry.  The Client achieved a planning permission which permitted the construction of one hundred and five residential properties on the site but subject to the undertaking of various decontamination measures which included the insertion of a capillary break layer over part of the site.

The Outcome

A very lucrative planning permission was secured subject to the need to invest substantially in the alleviation of some of the contamination on parts of the site.